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for the rest of one’s life
后半生  detail>>
rest one
脚登在凳子上 右手托着下巴  detail>>
for the rest of my life
我剩馀的生命 在我人生剩余的日子里  detail>>
put to rest all that`s not life
沉睡吧,那不是生命的生命  detail>>
then live the rest of our life
然后我们剩下的日子生活着  detail>>
to enjoy the rest of life
享受余生之乐  detail>>
to live the rest of our life
来渡过我们的余生  detail>>
tonight and the rest of my life
今夜馀生  detail>>
in one’s life
在有生之年内(从出生到现在)  detail>>
one life
一生只有一次 在这一生中  detail>>
one who seeks rest
求寂  detail>>
almost no one took any rest
几乎没有一个人歇过一下  detail>>
whole life one a life time
一生一世  detail>>
give one’s life for one’s country
为国家献身  detail>>
all through one’s life
某人一生当中  detail>>
devote one’s life to
把生命贡献给  detail>>
give one’s life
牺牲 献出自己的生命  detail>>
last days of one’s life
生命的最后日子  detail>>